Man has lived on this earth for a very long time without the use of chemicals and has done some pretty remarkable things. We have built nations, created beautiful works of art and created breathtaking structures that have lasted for millenniums. We have written stories that have captivated us centuries after they were written while sketching societal road maps, as the ancient Greeks did when they created an idea called Democracy. In recent times, we have seen man focus a great deal of energy on the creation of materials that offer a much larger amount of risk than is actually rewarded. Those materials are Toxic Chemicals. They are used for "cleaning", but also for war. They are used to "clean" showers and floor, but also to be dropped in bombs to kill hundreds/thousands in seconds. Since the use of Chemical weapons in World War II we have been living in a New World, or as I like to call it... Generation Toxic.

There has to be some correlation between the use of the extremely toxic Chlorine Bleach, among other toxic chemicals, and the rate of birth defects, primarily Autism. How can we stand by and watch these numbers grow and NOT do anything?!? We at Viking Pure have not stood idly by... we have developed a 100% SAFE alternative that is natural, safe for the environment and most importantly... safe for our families.
To learn how you can take advantage of the 100% NON-Toxic properties of Viking Pure Electrolyzed Water, please visit for more details. Let's take a stand by not surrounding ourselves with ANYTHING that can hurt us, our families or our unborn children.